Large Luxe Vase Arrangement


Large luxe vase arrangement using grower's choice of flowers - may include blooms such as hellebores and daffodils in early spring, or ranunculus, anemones and tulips as the season progresses. In summer - dahlias, zinnias, lisianthus.

A luxe gift for birthdays, thank you, love you, thinking of you…all with locally-grown, you-can't-get-fresher blooms.

Pick-up from Yackandandah only, for next-day pick-up at earliest (please put your day of pick-up in comments at checkout).

Pictured: example of large luxe summer/autumn arrangement. Comes with vase and ribbon.

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Large Jar Arrangement
Tulip Posy Jar Special
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Seasonal Bouquet
Mixed Bucket of Blooms - Grower's Choice of 50 stems (for DIY events including parties and weddings)
Posy Jar